This was my first foray into comic art, a story that was once intended to be a graphic novel series. I had started on the thing, was all excited about it too, but real life kept getting in the way. I only got two full pages done (and about halfway through a third) before things finally ground to a halt. Interior artwork pre-layout/text.

Nimona (by the talented Noelle Stevenson) is my current favorite online comic, and its two main characters, Nimona and Ballister Blackheart, are simultaneously hilarious and badass, and reside well within the beautifully lean and playful style she’s developed (a style that would lose precisely all of its charm if I tried to emulate it), so I thought it might be fun to draw them outside their world and more in ours, the challenge being to give them a look based a bit more on reality, yet still recognizable as the characters they represent. It was a bit more difficult than I expected, and I’m not sure I entirely succeeded, but it was a fun exercise nonetheless.